

ItalyApplicationindoor Type marble colour  White Categorystatuario
Statuario marble is an extremely precious natural stone, extracted in the Carrara area, a very refined material that has a bright white background crossed by medium-wide gray veins, capable of characterizing each design project thanks to its unique aesthetic properties.

Very recognizable and elegant, Statuario Bianco is the most sought-after natural stone in recent years, the favorite stone of architects and designers for the use of luxurious projects in the most beautiful houses in the world. Suitable for both traditional and classic designs, Statuario white marble is also perfect for embellishing modern and contemporary designs, thanks to its versatility. In fact it may be very well used together with other materials, wood and stones. White Statuario is the stone used above all in interior design projects, the physical characteristics of this marble make it suitable for use in environments protected from humidity and environmental factors.

Physical mechanical characteristics

EN 13755-08 Water absorption at atmospheric pressure % 0,09 0
EN 1936-07 Apparent Density KG/m3 2710 5,5
EN 1936-07 Open porosity % 0,3 0,03
EN 12372-07 Flexural strength
  (in natural conditions) MPa 15,9 1,2
  (EN 12371-03 exposed to 48 frost cycles MPa 13,9 0,9
EN 1926-07 Uniaxial compressive strength MPa 91,6 10,1
EN 14231-04 Slip resistance (honed finishing)
  (dry) USRV 59 2,9
  (wet) USRV 47 3,1
A calcitic crystalloblastic metamorphic lithotype composed of subeuhedral crystals with grain boundaries that are predominantly sutured and lobated while the secondary ones are straight. The microstructure is slightly anisotropic due to the preferred orientation of the elongated components. The blasts are seriate (from 100 to 800 µm), even though are in the region of 300 µm. The rare microgranulation is composed of opaque minerals. Idiomorphous pyrite occurs ranging between 30 and 500 µm in size, sometimes in crystals close to one another, where the microstructure has blasts with grain boundaries that are more interlobated and also smaller (70 ÷ 90 µm). There is also rare acicular muscovite.
Average size of blocks: 3,00 x 1,70 x 1,70m Slabs are preferably cut against the grain, i.e. the hard way (staggered).

Cutting of blocksSurface lavoration
Technical data provides a frame of reference only. As stone is a product of nature, up to date testing to determine specific physical qualities should be repeated for each major project. We decline any responsability for the mis-use of this data, since said data is sourced from the quarry.