
Giallo Siena

ItalyApplicationindoor / outdoor Type marble colour  Yellow Categorymarbles
Giallo Siena marble is a natural stone typical of the Sienese mountains, for sure one of the most famous and beautiful Italian colored marble, appreciated since ancient times for different types of applications, facings and for the realization of decorative objects and jewels.

The particularity of Giallo Siena marble is given by its nuances that can go from yellow ocher to a more intense yellow and sometimes also to a reddish yellow. The background is characterized by thin veins and fractures and is crossed by white or ivory strong veining and light grayish veins, particularities that offer this material an original and unique look. Giallo Siena marble is perfect for interior applications, facings, decorative or everyday objects with a timeless touch. The finishes that best express the beauty of Yellow Siena marble are the polishing that gives brightness to locations because it reflects the light and allows you to better observe the background texture and the peculiarities of the veins but also the sandblasting that makes the background opaque, perfect for modern realizations, with a contemporary and linear character.

Physical mechanical characteristics

EN 13755-08 Water absorption at atmospheric pressure % 0,18 0,02
EN 1936-07 Apparent Density KG/m3 2700 5,5
EN 1936-07 Open porosity % 0,47 0,05
EN 12372-07 Flexural strength
  (in natural conditions) MPa 16,9 3,3
  (EN 12371-03 exposed to 48 frost cycles MPa 13,5 2,3
EN 1926-07 Uniaxial compressive strength MPa 82,6 18,8
EN 14231-04 Slip resistance (honed finishing)
  (dry) USRV 48 3
  (wet) USRV 14 0,9
A calcitic crystalloblastic lithotype that is heterogeneous due to the presence of calcitic dominions composed of crystals of different sizes that are subhedral with mainly curved grain boundaries. The calcite is in blasts of a maximum size of 0,6mm. The veins of calcitic microcrystals are particularly convoluted and deformed, alternating with slender layers composed of coarser blasts. Where the veins are located, there are twinned feldspars-albite and new formation quartz that are isooriented and opaque minerals that are widespread in places as microgranulations too.
Average size of blocks: 3,00 x 1,60 x 1,60 m. Slabs are preferably cut along the grain and against the grain, i.e. the hard way. Before sawing it is recommended that the blocks undergo resin treatment in a vacuum. After this the slabs can be cut at a minimum thickness of 10 mm.

Cutting of blocksSurface lavoration
Technical data provides a frame of reference only. As stone is a product of nature, up to date testing to determine specific physical qualities should be repeated for each major project. We decline any responsability for the mis-use of this data, since said data is sourced from the quarry.